We For ‘23
Launched on 29 May 2023, the We for 23 campaign was the third chapter of the nationwide campaign to partner with grassroots organisations to fight period poverty and period illiteracy. After receiving over 100 applications, 10 NGOs across the length and breadth of the country were selected to join Project Baala’s Menstrual Solidarity Network.
A total of 70 trainers were trained.Together, over 52,190 girls and women across 13 states were impacted, and guided towards better menstrual hygiene practices.
You For ‘22
Launched on 3 August 2022, the You for 22 campaign was the second chapter of Baala’s flagship campaign to create a nationwide momentum towards destigmatising menstruation. After receiving over 50 applications, 13 grassroot level organisations executing impactful projects were selected.
A total of 80 members were trained to become menstrual hygiene advocates and together, over 36,500 girls and women across 13 states of India participated in awareness workshops and received sustainable menstrual hygiene products.
One For ‘21
Launched during the second wave of the pandemic, the 1 for 21 campaign was Baala’s flagship campaign to create solidarity amongst organisations working towards similar goals, build their capacity to hold sessions on menstrual hygiene and empower communities, specifically girls and women impacted by the restrictions and consequences of the pandemic.
1,582 girls and women across 5 states of India participated in awareness workshops and received sustainable menstrual hygiene products.